Certificate in Technology-Enhanced Teaching

The CITL Certificate in Technology-Enhanced Teaching is designed to encourage instructors to explore educational technologies and to practice and assess technology-enhanced teaching.

When you decide to work on the Certificate in Technology-Enhanced Teaching, contact CITL to be matched with a Specialist in Education who will be your consultant for the process. There is no time limit for completion of the requirements.

Certificate requirements

  1. Teaching experience using an instructional technology strategy: Teach at least one semester at the University of Illinois. during which you will submit a proposal, explore pedagogy, and create an original work as described below.
  2. Submit a proposal: Identify an area of inquiry, classroom need or research problem related to teaching with technology. Write a statement of inquiry or research proposal and submit it to CITL using our online request form for a consultation.
  3. Exploration of pedagogy: Complete one of the following: 
    • Write a review of selected literature on teaching with technologies relevant to your area of inquiry.
    • Participate in a regularly scheduled reading group or seminar series relevant to your inquiry.
  4. Original work and its assessment: Submit an example of your original work, in your proposed area of inquiry, that has been assessed by your students or peers. Write a reflection on this work and its assessment.
  5. Teaching development workshops or courses: Participate in a minimum of six hours of workshops on topics related to teaching with technology. Workshops must cover content in at least two out of three areas: 1) technology-mediated communication, 2) technology-based instructional enhancements, or 3) online instructional resources.        OR   Participate in an online course/MOOC on the topic of teaching with technology. This would include a short, written statement of reflection on how the workshops or course apply to your area of inquiry.

Get started

All certificate requirements must be documented using the Certificate in Technology-Enhanced Teaching Application in consultation with your CITL consultant and/or a faculty member. The application contains more details for completing the certificate. The completed application must be submitted to CITL for review by your consultant. The submission deadline is April 15.

Get started

Certificate in Technology-Enhanced Teaching Application
Submission deadline: April 15.

Contact us

If you need more information contact Lucas Anderson at 217-300-4408

Join our listserv

To join, send an e-mail message (must be from your University of Illinois address) to listserv@illinois.edu, and in the body of the message write only the following: subscribe CITL.