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For questions or information, please contact:

Maryalice Wu
Director of Data Analytics
Center for Innovation in
Teaching & Learning
(217) 244-0937
Exporting and Uploading Qualtrics Surveys and Data

The University of Illinois is eliminating all of its individual college/unit Qualtrics licenses (ex. LAS, ACES, etc.) and transitioning to a single campus Qualtrics license (

As a result, all college/unit accounts will be discontinued requiring holders of such accounts to download their survey instruments and data to maintain access to them. Individuals and/or units who wish for some or all of their surveys and/or survey data to remain live in Qualtrics going forward can upload copies of them to new campus license accounts if desired.

Below are the steps you can take to both keep a local copy of your Qualtrics survey and data and upload the copied surveys and data to your new campus license account. Note: These steps will need to be repeated for every survey that you want to download and copy to the new account. If all you need is a local copy of the data (and not the programmed survey instrument), skip directly to the instructions for how to EXPORT YOUR SURVEY DATA. 

Exporting Surveys and Data from College/Unit Qualtrics Accounts

  • > Export your Qualtrics survey instrument

  • > Export your survey data

Uploading Exported Surveys and Data to Campus Qualtrics Accounts

  • > Create a New Project in the campus Qualtrics account

  • > Import survey data

  • > View Results in the Illinois Qualtrics account

  • > Exporting/Downloading new data from the Illinois account