The Center for Innovation in Teaching & Learning (CITL) is a hub of innovation and hands-on support for those who want to discuss and work with higher education trends, models, projects, and resources. CITL uses leading pedagogical approaches, research-based methodologies, innovative instructional technologies, and comprehensive assessment practices to strengthen teaching efforts and improve student learning outcomes. Central to our modern mission is strengthening the linkages between CITL and colleges, programs, and units across the University that are integral to the teaching and learning missions of the university. Through our programs and activities, colleagues can share ideas and expertise with one another, learn of new developments in the scholarship of teaching and learning, and strengthen their teaching skills and strategies.
CITL offers the following main resources to the Illinois campus:
In collaboration with campus units and other thought leaders within the academy, we spark new ideas, strategies, and knowledge to shape 21st century teaching and learning.
Explore and promote innovative teaching to support transformative learning experiences in all modalities.
Enriching and Transforming the Intellectual Academic Growth and Skill Acquisition of our Students
Supporting Reflective and Responsive Teaching
Sharing Innovative Ideas and Expertise on Teaching and Learning
Leading Innovative Development in Pedagogy, Tools, Technology, Concept and Delivery
Expanding Scholarship, Lifelong Learning and Career Potential
(Mail: 608 South Mathews Avenue, Urbana, MC-460)