Teaching Certificates
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Lucas Anderson
Specialist in Education
Center for Innovation in
Teaching & Learning
(217) 300-4408
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Teaching Certificates

The CITL Teaching Certificate Program is designed to meet the professional development needs and interests of all teachers—faculty, academic professionals, and graduate students—at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Which certificate is right for you?

Graduate Teacher CertificateFor teaching assistants who teach at least two semesters at Illinois.

Certificate in Foundations of TeachingFor graduate students who have limited teaching experience at Illinois.

Teacher Scholar CertificateFor teachers (faculty, APs, and TAs) who teach at least three semesters at Illinois.

Certificate in Technology-Enhanced Teaching: For teachers (faculty, APs, and TAs) who teach at least one semester while investigating an educational technology.

Master Course in Online Teaching (MCOT)For teachers (faculty, APs, and TAs) who want a deep dive into online teaching strategies. 

Hybrid Teaching & Learning Certificate: For faculty, graduate students, and instructors who want to learn more about developing and teaching a hybrid course.

Check out a list of winners from the 2024 Celebration of College Teaching