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eText is a browser-based, multimedia-capable, fully accessible platform to  deliver original, instructor-developed course content and previously-published textbooks in a cost efficient manner. Built to take advantage of class roster  cohorts, eText allows for two-way communication between students and  instructors (both typed and freehand) as well as embedded assessments and practice problems linked from learning management systems on Campus.   Device neutral, eText uses an HTML5-based flexible page layout that serves as an intuitive, rich interface for both instructors and students.  Thanks to rigorously enforced semantic markup, a comprehensive commitment to HTML5 content, myriad features such as keyboard controls for easy navigation, ARIA labeling for navigation to name a few, eText is one of the most truly ADA Section 508  compliant and universally accessible means of delivering electronic course  content in the world—built for and at the University of Illinois.

Learn more about eText.