Chair a Session

When and why would I be chairing a session?

  • Student Lounge (or Study Lounge), a 24/7 Collaborate meeting space, has been set up for each course to allow any student in the course to chair a meeting with other students in that course.
  • Class Presentation: Further, you may be asked by your instructor to present to other participants during regular live class sessions., who can elect to give you special moderator privileges.

Acting as a session chair

One of the most common tasks people perform when chairing a session is to share a PowerPoint presentation, an application, a document, or website with the other participants. Below is an overview of some tools and options. Which option you choose is up to you and/or your instructor, based upon your comfort with the technology and your needs for the presentation. The instructions for using each option are presented below.

What can I do as a session chair?

Other tools/features to know

  • Maximum Simultaneous Talkers—when using the audio chat function, it is important to note the number of participants who are allowed to speak at a time is variable. Use Tools->Audio->Maximum Simultaneous Talkers to allow the desired number of participants.
  • Audio Setup Wizard—to ensure your audio is properly configured, use the audio setup wizard (Tools->Audio->Audio Setup Wizard) ahead of time.
  • User controls—these allow you to allow/disallow audio, chat, whiteboard, and video camera sharing permission for other users.

Additional resources

Collaborate Chairing (or moderating) Guides