
Create Your Own Online Course Spring Workshop

Mar 8, 2017, 14:18 PM

Create Your Own Online Course Workshop. April 3, April 4, April 6. 12:30-3:30 PM. Armory Building 428. Pedagogy. Digital Media. Technical Tools.

Interested in offering an online course but not sure where to start? Want to learn how to build lecture videos or how to assess your online students? Need some help with the basic tools of Moodle or Compass?

CITL’s Create Your Own Online Course Workshop is designed to help you identify what is involved in creating an online course, help you get started, and provide resources for getting additional help.

The format of this workshop is flexible to your needs and availability. The entire workshop runs Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday, April 3, 4, and 6, from 12:30 to 3:30 PM each day. The workshop will be held in 428 Armory.

The workshop is comprised of 15 sessions, most of which are 30 minutes long. You are welcome to come to as many or as few as you would like. Sign-up for all three afternoons of the workshop (12 hours in total) in order to have an intensive experience, covering all of the bases. Alternatively, you can also pick and choose which topics are of interest to you and attend just for those sessions.

The workshop is open to all Illinois faculty, staff, and TAs. The workshop is free of charge, but we do ask you to indicate via the RSVP form which days you will attend (even if you plan to only stay for 30 minutes, so we can have enough coffee on hand! ☺). Participation in these sessions count for CITL certificate credit. Contact Mallory Conlon if you have questions.

Monday, April 3: Pedagogy Tuesday, April 4: Digital Media Thursday, April 6: Technical Tools
  • Tips from a Veteran Online Faculty
    12:30pm – 1:00pm
  • Keeping the End in Mind: Designing Your Online Course
    1:00pm – 1:30pm
  • Organizing Your Course Content & Establishing a Weekly Pattern
    1:30pm – 2:00pm
  • Crafting Your Syllabus & Learning Objectives
    2:15pm – 3:00pm
  • Assessing Students Online
    3:00pm – 3:30pm
  • Media and Your Online Course: When to Use Video and Why
    12:30pm – 12:45pm
  • Creating Video Using Campus Tools
    12:45pm – 1:15pm
  • Best Practices in Video Creation 
    1:15pm – 1:45pm
  • Getting Content to Your Students: Distributing Video Using Campus Services
    2:00pm – 2:30pm
  • Can I Use This?: Copyright & Your Online Course
    2:30pm – 3:00pm
  • Teaching All Your Students: Accessibility & Your Online Course
    3:00pm – 3:30pm
  • Compass and Moodle Tutorial
    12:30pm – 1:45pm
  • Your Role in Effective Online Discussions
    1:45pm – 2:15pm
  • Fostering Online Student-to-Student Interactions
    2:30pm – 3:00pm
  • Strategies for Live Sessions
    3:00pm – 3:30pm