
October 26 Teaching & Learning Newsletter

Oct 29, 2018, 11:06 AM

Create Your Own Online Course Workshop Adds Zoom Option

Due to overwhelming demand, CITL has added an option for you to join the“Create Your Own Online Course” workshopremotely via Zoom on October 29, 30, & November 1 from 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. each day. This is open to faculty, staff, eLearning Professionals, and TAs who want to learn best practices for creating an online course. The workshop is free of charge and registration is not required for those whojoin via this Zoom link. This is a particularly good opportunity for anyone interested in earningthe Certificate in Technology-Enhanced Teaching.

Big Ten Student Design Challenge Now Open

Have you heard about theBig Ten Student Design Challenge? UIUC and other Big Ten campuses, in collaboration with the furniture company Herman Miller, have announced an opportunity for students to redesign an informal space on their campuses, and compete for close to $100K in prizes for the winning design.

Your help is needed to let students know about the competition, or to submit a design if you’re a grad student! Student teams from all disciplines are invited to submit a proposalbyNovember 27. One winning team/campus will receive a $2,000 cash prize. The winning design will be installed in summer 2019.

The space that was chosen for this campus is the Student Lounge in the basement of the Foreign Language Building.More information is available at theBig Ten Student Design Challengemain website.Enter your email under the Competition tab to request a packet of materials about the competition and the UIUC space. You can even ask questions and receive helpful feedback.

Need more encouragement?Come to Info Night on November 6 (5-7pm) at the Student Lounge in FLB. Herman Miller design professionals will be on hand to offer helpful feedback and other advice about the challenge and how to create winning designs. Come for the pizza! Come for the fun!

Are You an International TA Teaching This Semester?

CITL is seeking International TAs for a classroom observation research project. If you would like to have your class observed one time this semester by a CITL education professional,please submit your contact information at this link, or contact Dr. Sue Ingels, EPI Coordinator, atingels@illinois.eduor 217-265-6136.

CITL Events & Workshops

Want to see what workshops and events are coming later in the semester?Look at our full calendar for more information.

Wednesday, October 31
Jr. Faculty Teaching Series#6: Teaching What You Don't Know
11:30 A.M. - 1:00 P.M., room 428,Armory
Speaker: Lucas Anderson (CITL)
Thursday, November 1
Adapting Visual Exercises for Students with Visual Impairments
1:00 P.M. - 2:30 P.M., room 428,Armory
Speakers: Libby Haywood (CITL Graduate Affiliate); Ava Wolf (CITL)
Thursday, November 8
Developing Your Teaching Philosophy Statement for a Faculty Job Search
2:00 P.M. - 3:30 P.M., room 428,Armory
Speaker: Lucas Anderson (CITL)
Friday, November 9
The Power of Presentations: Enhancing your Slides for Teaching and Engagement
1:00 P.M. - 2:00 P.M., room 171,Armory (Armory Innovation Studio)
Speaker: Jamie Nelson (CITL)
CITL Technical Training
Technical training does not count for workshop hours towards theGraduate Teacher Certificateor theCertificate in Foundations of Teaching, but may count towards theCertificate in Technology-Enhanced Teaching.
Tuesday, November 6
Compass2G Workshop: The Essentials
9:30 A.M. - 11:00 A.M., room 428, Armory Building
Wednesday, November 7
Emerging Tech Hands-on: 360° Cameras
3:00 P.M. - 4:00 P.M., TechHub (Armory room 151A)
Training Opportunities Across Campus
Want to see what training opportunitiesexistacross campus? Though most don't count for CITL certificate credit, they can help you develop important technical and professional skills.Look at the Illinois Staff Training Calendar for more information.Also check outthe Savvy Researcher Series,andGraduate College Events.
Tuesday, October 30
Starting the Job Search: Strategies for Success
12:00 P.M. - 1:00 P.M., room 314 Main Library
Sponsor: University Library - Scholarly Commons
Friday, November 2
Job Search Essentials: Faculty Search
9:00 A.M. - 12:30 P.M., room 308 Coble Hall
Sponsor: Graduate College Career Development
Friday, November 2
Job Search Essentials: Industry & Nonprofits
1:00 P.M. - 4:00 P.M., room 308 Coble Hall
Sponsor: Graduate College Career Development
Teaching Tips

Using Grace and Accountability to Uphold Course Expectations

Hello. My car caught on fire last night after leaving homecoming game. I carry my laptop everywhere I go. I’m in the process of strapping to get another one. I’m just glad I got out cause the driver door was messed up.Carmichael and Krueger (as cited in Weimer, 2017) report the challenges of verifying student claims for why an assignment can’t be completed on time.But how is an instructor expected to respond when she receives emails like the one aboveand how can you minimize student excuses in the future?

Are You Telling Stories in the Classroom?

I’m not speaking of lying or delivering fake news; I’m talking about an actual story.I like to avoid phrases like “meaning-making,” but that’s what a story can do for students—it allows them to listen, learn, and remember.Consider this: A story communicates something, bydefinition, andcan entertain, amuse, delight, divert, provoke, offend, disturb, disappoint, but in all, a story can instruct.There are five parts to a story: exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution. This is all fine and good, but a story delivered in the classroom, whether one of these single parts or the sum thereof, can be the spark to help students remember and recall information in a new way, and enable them to grasp the material.We get to consume, hear a tale unravel. We get tolearnsomething.

