We hope you've had a great semester
Thank you for your support and participation throughout the semester! We hope your semester has been a good one, and we look forward to working with you again soon.Remember, CITL is here all year to help you with your teaching and your students' learning. Here are a few things to know about as we come to the end of this semester.
Volunteers needed for January Microteaching
The smaller version of the Graduate Academy for College Teaching (TA orientation) is coming up! We are looking for volunteers to facilitate the microteaching recording sessions on Friday, January 11. If you have teaching or TA experience on campus - even one semester - we welcome your help! Please contact Lucas Anderson(lander23@illinois.edu)if you are interested.
Final exam hours - Exam Services
Exam Services will hold extended hours during the final exam period:
- Fri, Dec 14th 8:30am - 6pm
- Sat, Dec 15th 10am - 2pm
- Mon Dec 17th - Thurs Dec 20th, 8:30am - 6pm
- Fri, Dec 21st, we will be open our regular hours, 8:30am - 12, 1-5pm.
We will reopen after the holidays on Wed, Jan 2nd, 2019 at 8:30am. We are located in room 247 of the Armory Bldg. Contact us at 244-3839 or exams@illinois.edu.
Compass Gradebook Clinics
Compass specialists from CITL will be available for drop-in help at various locations across campus. No need to muddle through on your own! Get assistance with the Compass gradebook or other features at the following times and locations:
- December 10, 10am to noon: Temple Buell Hall atrium
- December 10, 2pm to 4pm: Armory Hall room 156
- December 11, 9am to noon: Armory Hall room 156
- December 12, 11am to 1pm: ACES library, room 305
- December 12, 3pm to 5pm: Armory Hall, room 156
- December 14, 11am to 1pm: Grainger Engineering Library, room 040D
- December 14, 2pm to 4pm: Armory Hall, room 156
Attention Faculty: Save the date for 2019 faculty retreat
Advance notice: please hold on your calendar Friday, February 22, 2019 for the campus annual Faculty Retreat to be held from 8:30am - 2:00pm in the Illini Union. More information coming soon!
Engineering TAs: Registration open for ENG 598 TL - a course on teaching and leadership
ENG 598 TL: Teaching and Leadership is being offered for Spring 2019. This course includes topics on teaching and leadership that will help you in your current role as a TA, and prepare you for future roles as teachers or industry leaders. Completion of the course can be applied towards CITL teaching certificates. CRN 65705, 1 credit hour; CRN 67328, 2 credit hours.See the course listing here- be sure to look for sections TL or TL2.
Encourage your students to register for HackCulture
Encourage data-interested students to register for HackCulture, an interdisciplinary hackathon for students that runs from February 2nd to March 1st. This data-focused event is sponsored by CITL, the University Library, and the iSchool. Students teams will engage in weekly challenges and learning objectives and compete for a final prize-based competition.Find more information here.
Low-cost intensive language courses open to all (Winter 2019)
Do you want to learn a new language or brush up on your language skills? The Intensive Foreign Language Instruction Program offers low-cost classes in French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Arabic, Japanese, Greek, Chinese, Korean, Hindi, Russian, German, Turkish, Swahili, and English as a Second Language. Open to everyone; not for credit, just for fun! Classes meet January 2-11.Click here for more information and to sign up.
Questions? Email Prof. Florencia Henshaw (henshaw2@illinois.edu).