
February 28 Teaching & Learning Newsletter

Mar 4, 2019, 16:26 PM
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Workshop on Creating Inclusive Materials for Students with Visual Disabilities - March 5

Most instructors know they should make their course materials accessible to all students, but they don’t know how. We can help! Back by popular demand,Creating Inclusive Materials for Students with Visual Disabilitieswill be offeredon March 5 in room 428 Armory from 10:00 – 11:30am.This is afun and interactive workshopwhereyou’ll learn easy ways to modify documents, power points, and other course content and make them better for all learners, especially those with visual disabilities. Experience your course in a new way, and learn skills you can use in any program or teaching situation. Bring your laptop and course content to work on and be preparedto download cool apps. All other handouts and resources provided.See the calendar entry to register.

This workshop counts towards theGraduate Teacher Certificateor theCertificate in Foundations of Teaching.

University of Illinois Adobe Creative Jam LIVE - March 14

Please share this exciting opportunity with your students!

Register to compete in the University of Illinois Adobe Creative Jam LIVE online tournatment with your classmates on Thursday, March 14, from 3pm to 8pm CST! Get a crash course in Adobe XD, a user experience design application, to help you quickly and easily create simple interactive prototypes! You and your five-person team will use Adobe XD to be victorious in the tournament, advance your career opportunities, and put some gift card cred in your pocket. First prize is $250, and every competitor receives a 3-month subscription to Adobe Stock.

Click here for very important information, and to register!Open to UIUC students only!

TIER-ED Call for Proposals and Graduate Fellowship Opportunity

The TIER-ED (Technology Innovations in Educational Research and Design) Pilot Projects Program is designed to foster inter- or trans-disciplinary intellectual engagement through funding pilot or proof-of-concept projects to better position faculty teams for competitive external funding and have more collaborative research opportunities for students interested in pursuing graduate studies in TIER-ED focused areas.They are accepting proposals for projectsand will fund multiple proposals for up to $15,000 per proposal. Please complete the application form and upload the project proposal atTIER-ED Call for Proposals.

Additionally,TIER-ED Fellowshipswill be awarded to graduate students working on a research project in a TIER-ED focused area. Selected TIER-ED Fellows will receive $20,000 for one academic year. Please submit required documents and reference letters by email

Submission deadline for both opportunities is Friday, March 8, 2019 by 5 pm CST. For Additional Information or questions, please contactTabassum Amina, Postdoctoral Research Associate, TIER-ED.

Last Call for TA Reading Groups!

How do the best college teachers teach? Find out by reading Ken Bain'sWhat the Best College Teachers Doalong with fellow TAs and a CITL facilitator. Meetings will be arranged to fit your schedule and participation will count towards the teaching certificates.Sign up for a reading group by following this link- you will be matched up with other TAs and a facilitator with similar availability.

Drop-In Data Consulting Services

Drop-in data consulting services are up and running this semester. Consultants can help you locate quantitative data to meet your courses objectives. See our schedule:,or schedule an

CITL Events & Workshops

Want to see what workshops and events are coming later in the semester?Look at our full calendar for more information.

Tuesday, March 5
Creating Inclusive Materials for Students with Visual Disabilities
10:00 A.M. - 11:30 A.M., room 428,Armory
Speakers: Libby Haywood (CITL Grad Affiliate), Ava Wolf (CITL)

Thursday, March 7
Active Learning Made Easy
1:00 P.M. - 2:30 P.M., room 428,Armory
Speaker: Kazem Alidoost (CITL Grad Affiliate)
Tuesday, March 12
Copyright for Professors: sharing your work, using the work of others, and teaching
2:00 P.M. - 3:00 P.M., room 428,Armory
Speaker: Sara Benson (Copyright Librarian, University Library)
Wednesday, March 13
Make 'Em Laugh (and you should): Using Humor in the Classroom
3:00 P.M. - 4:00 P.M., room 428,Armory
Speaker: Lucas Anderson (CITL)
CITL Technical Training
Technical training does not count for workshop hours towards theGraduate Teacher Certificateor theCertificate in Foundations of Teaching, but may count towards theCertificate in Technology-Enhanced Teaching.
Tuesday, March 5
CITL Statistics, Data, and Survey Research Workshop Series - R I: Getting Started with R
5:30 P.M. - 7:30 P.M., Foreign Languages Building, room G8A
Wednesday, March 6
i>clicker Basics
12:00 P.M. - 1:30 P.M., Armory Building, room 428
Thursday, March 7
Working with Ambisonics: An introduction to object-ased audio production for VR
3:00 P.M. - 4:00 P.M., Armory Building, room 172 (Innovation Studio)
Speaker: Jake Metz (University Library Media Commons)
Monday, March 11
Multimodal Assignments with Adobe Spark
12:00 P.M. - 1:00 P.M., Armory Building, room 172 (Innovation Studio)
Speaker: Jim Wentworth (CITL)
Tuesday, March 12
CITL Statistics, Data, and Survey Research Workshop Series - R II: Inferential Statistics
5:30 P.M. - 7:30 P.M., Foreign Languages Building, room G8A
Training Opportunities Across Campus
Want to see what training opportunitiesexistacross campus? Though they don't count for CITL certificate credit, they can help you develop important technical and professional skills.Look at the Illinois Staff Training Calendar for more information.Also check outthe Savvy Researcher Series,andGraduate College Events.
Tuesday, March 5
Workflow Strategies
2:00 P.M. - 3:00 P.M., room 314, Main Library
Sponsor: University Library - Scholarly Commons
Thursday, March 7
Managing Difficult Projects
3:30 P.M. - 5:00 P.M., room 106B1, Engineering Hall
Sponsor: Graduate College Career Development
Teaching Tips

Reliable Sources: Promoting Critical Thinking in the [Mis]information Age

Information cannot always be trusted. Despite popular opinion regarding the devastating impact of the Internet on the modern age, the inherent untrustworthiness of information is not new. Satire, misinformation, and disinformation have been circulating for centuries, even long before the printed word. However, thanks to the relative ease of creating and sharing content online, our students are confronted with publications created solely to entertain, persuade, and incite via incorrect or incomplete statistics. The traditional steps of the research process--such as resource evaluation--have seemingly fallen to the wayside in deference to instant gratification and confirmation bias.Making critical thinkers of burgeoning researchers in an age of information overload and “fake news” requires three stepsto help students and faculty alike reevaluate the nature of researchas it is viewed in and outside of the classroom.

Fostering Student Learning through the Use of Debates

There are many ways to get students engaged in a classroom, but when topics are controversial or taboo, students may shy away from sharing their thoughts on the subject. In contrast, some may be so overly passionate about a topic that they proselytize their point.One tactic that helps students feel comfortable enough to speak about controversial topics is through debatesthat are structured and promote students’ preparedness in defending or opposing a particular stance on a topic.
