Teaching and Learning News & Events
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CITL is seeking International TAs for a classroom observation research project. If you would like to have your class observed one time this summer by a CITL education professional, please submit your contact information at this link, or contact Dr. Sue Ingels, EPI Coordinator, at ingels@illinois.edu or 217-265-6136.
CITL is still looking for volunteers to facilitate Microteaching recording sessions at the August Grad Academy. Microteaching facilitators keep things running on time, provide brief written feedback on short teaching samples, and run a short discussion with new TAs. If you have any experience teaching at Illinois, you can help! CITL will train you, and the experience is usually fun. You get to learn a little bit about a lot of different topics! Please contact Lucas Anderson (lander23@illinois.edu) if you are interested.
CITL Events & Workshops
Workshops are done for the summer, but we'll be back this Fall with a new slate of offerings.