IFLEX Halloween Meet & Greet
Interested in active learning, or teaching in an IFLEX interactive classroom? We’re working on new programming for grad instructors and TAs who want to explore a variety of easy teaching strategies, with and without technology, and the chance to earn a teaching certificate. Learn more at our Halloween Meet & Greet Wednesday, October 30 at 4 pm at 182 Armory, the Innovation Classroom (first floor east hallway). Enjoy seasonal snacks and meet others who are teaching in (or interested in) active learning classrooms on this campus. Bring a friend or two, get teaching ideas, or just come to hang out. Emaillddunca2@illinois.eduto RSVP!
Free Vocal Health Screenings
Did you know that individuals with careers that require a lot of speaking are at an increased risk of voice disorders? This includes educators! Voice health screenings can help prevent or minimize damage to the larynx (i.e. “voice box”). Sponsored by a 2019 Faculty Retreat grant, the students and instructors of SHS 511: Assessment and Management of Voice Disorders are offering free vocal health screenings on 11/8, 11/15, and 11/22. By appointment only. Open to faculty, staff, TAs, and students! Please contactuiucvoicelab@gmail.comto make an appointment.
This Learning LifePhotography Competition
Will the winner of the 2019 University of IllinoisThis Learning LifePhotography Competition be one of your students? The Center for Innovation in Teaching & Learning invites all students on campus to submit images to the contest. Submissions accepted throughNovember 27. Announcement of winners and awardsDecember 13, Courtyard Café, Illini Union.$250 Grand prize! Thanks to our category sponsors for award categories: Scholarly Commons “Becoming a Researcher,” GIES College of Business, “Learning by Doing.” College of Applied Health Sciences “Learning With Health Technology,” and Illinois Climate Action Plan, “Campus Sustainability.” We want to see what learning looks like through your students’ eyes! Encourage your students to sharpen their visual communication skills, get prizes and recognition, and create a great personal image that will stand out from the crowd.
Click here for more information about the contest.
Training Opportunities Across Campus
Learning to Cross the Road: What Do You Show Your Students?
Q: Why did the chicken cross the road? A: To show the squirrel it could be done.Most of us attempt to teach our subjects by telling students things, that is, describing, identifying, defining, specifying, explaining, lecturing, etc. We spend uncounted hours attempting to transmit our well-learned information and vital insights by clearly stating what we want students to know and understand. It can be quite rewarding because explaining things feels good and seems like real teaching. It is also not unusual for this to produce frustration later on when we discover from assessments, or from later attempts to reference earlier material, that our explaining things did not lead to a fundamental understanding that we’d hoped to convey. Here are three steps to go beyond information giving.
Office Hours Off Campus
Dr. Campbell teaches large biology lecture courses at the University of Pittsburgh and few students came to his office to discuss problems they were having with his course. However, when he was sitting on the steps in front of the library reading the newspaper, students stopped to ask questions about that day’s lecture. He decided he would regularly read his newspaper there and when the weather turned colder, he moved to a coffee shop frequented by students. Before long, he was regularly meeting students off campus and never in his office. Here are some of the things that happened: impromptu study groups, mentoring, better teaching.