Transcript of Season 1, Episode 0
Landing page for the Show
In our trailer, CITL Director Michel Bellini joins host Bob Dignan (CITL) to introduce the Teach, Talk, Listen and Learn podcast, a platform where faculty and instructors across campus can shine a spotlight on the innovative and creative teaching practices and strategies they’ve implemented in and outside of their classrooms to engage students and create transformative learning experiences for them. Guests will share what worked, what didn’t work, what they want to try next time, and hope by doing so, they’ll spark a conversation with the teaching community on campus and across the globe.
“We have really talented faculty that are doing amazing things every day,” Bellini says. “It’s up to us to help them amplify their voice and let the rest of the world know, hey, we’re doing it here, and it’s really working. Try it, and if you need help, we can help you.”
The podcast also aims to spark conversations about educational reforms and innovations—a modern curriculum, digital skills, multimodal assignments, for example—needed to meet the needs and expectations of students in this rapidly-advancing technological, post-pandemic world.
“As more and more different expectations are now associated with our students,” Bellini says, referring to everyone from K-12 students to undergraduates on campus to working professionals throughout the world, “we need our faculty, our scholars, to reach them the right way, so they can continue to carry that spark and flame in academia … U of I is in a unique position to be a leader in that space.”
Do you have a story to share about your teaching experiences or a teaching topic? Drop us a note at
This podcast was produced by the Center for Innovation in Teaching & Learning at the University of Illinois. Episodes can be found on our website,, and on major podcast platforms. We hope you’ll find us there and join the conversation!
About the host
Bob Dignan is Associate Director of Instructional Media Resources at the Center for Innovation in Teaching and Learning.
About the guest
Michel Bellini is Director of the Center for Innovation in Teaching & Learning and Associate Professor of Cell and Developmental Biology. Learn more at:
You can see Bellini in this Art of Teaching: Lunchtime Seminar Series presentation, “What I Know Now: Lessons about Teaching and Learning.”