
CITL Teaching and Learning News: Jan 15, 2024

Jan 22, 2024, 10:13 AM
CITL Teaching and Learning News January 15, 2024
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Welcome Back


Welcome back to campus! We are excited to start the 2024 Spring Semester with you and support your teaching and learning goals. Check out our biweekly newsletter for new offerings, such as workshops, consultations, services, and other resources on campus. We hope you have a wonderful semester and look forward to working with you!  


Instructor Voices

  TTLL podcast s2e1

Unlocking Engaged Pedagogy

Graduate students with higher ed teaching experience, Victoria Fields, doctoral student and Instructor of Record in the Department of Communication and Nicole Cox, former PhD student at UIUC and a CITL Graduate Affiliate, now working at Amherst College, share stories and strategies from their time as instructors at UIUC. They connect much of their work to the engaged pedagogy of bell hooks, and it’s a helpful and hopeful conversation about connecting and leading classroom spaces. Victoria holds credit for our first email to the podcast, so do consider reaching out!

Did you enjoy this episode, or do you have a story to share about your teaching? Drop us a note at

This podcast was produced by the Center for Innovation in Teaching & Learning at the University of Illinois. Episodes can be found on our website, Teach Talk Listen Learn - A CITL Podcast and major podcast platforms. We hope you’ll find us there and join the conversation!


CITL Announcements

  Digital Literacy Made Simple book cover image

CITL Faculty Book Club: Digital Literacy Made Simple

One book, eight friends, and infinite possibilities! The next chapter of the CITL Faculty Book Club will meet online starting on January 25. It’s a great way to connect with colleagues from different disciplines who are curious about the same topics that interest you. Our selected book will be…

Digital Literacy Made Simple: Strategies for Building Skills Across the Curriculum (Kammer & Hays, 2023)

Discover and explore simple ways to teach digital literacy skills throughout the day, and across various content areas, without a formal digital literacy curriculum.

Digital literacy describes skills and ways of thinking related to the use of technology, including the technical competence to communicate, evaluate and interpret digital information, navigate websites, and understand why all these skills are important.

Joining our book club has many benefits:

  • Creating new collegial friendships
  • Learning from each other’s experiences and points of view
  • Earning a badge that can be displayed on LinkedIn
  • Suggesting ideas for our next book

If you are a faculty member at UIUC or a post-doc with teaching responsibilities, please consider joining! Registration is now open.

Please check your calendar to determine if you can commit to attending all of our meetings from 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. The first three sessions occur on Thursdays: January 25, February 8, and February 22. The last session occurs on Tuesday March 5.

Mark The Dates - The Spring 2024 Faculty Series on Teaching & Learning Begins February 7

Come join a dynamic learning community by participating in this specially designed seminar series for faculty (across all disciplines and rank). This six-part weekly series will begin Wednesday, February 7, typically from 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. This series is open to first-time and previous attendees. The theme is on what the best college teachers know about their students think, act, and feel. We will start with “Understanding and Incorporating Informal (IEF) and Formal (ICES) Student Feedback", and then move to topics such as the Teaching Philosophy Statement for Promotion & Tenure; Creating Effective, Appropriate Exams; Strategies for Students to Learn how to Learn Better, and a special event: come visit classes of our exemplary teachers.

Dates are listed, and registration is now open on our CITL calendar. Click here for the flyer.

UIUC AnyWare Service Provides Access to Remote Desktops and Software

Students can benefit from using UIUC AnyWare, a service providing access to over 100 applications for students working anywhere. It is a remote desktop environment where users may access software securely and save files to and from their own device (Windows, MacOS, Linux).

Technology Services • Office of the Chief Information Officer


Workshops and Events


Canvas Open Office Hours
Recurring: every Thursday, 11 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Host: CITL Instructional Support Team

CITL Faculty Book Club: Digital Literacy Made Simple - Strategies for Building Skills Across the Curriculum
Thursday, January 25, 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Zoom (Registration Link)
Host: David Favre (CITL)

Hidden Gems: Recognizing, Understanding, and Supporting First Generation Students in the Classroom - CITL Art of Teaching Lunchtime Seminar Series
Thursday, February 1, 12 p.m. - 1 p.m.
Zoom (Registration Link)
Host: Jordan Leising (CITL)

Developing Your Professional ePortfolio
Friday, February 2, 3:30 p.m. - 4:45 p.m.
Zoom (Registration Link)
Host: David Favre (CITL)

Using Informal Early Feedback (IEF)
Wednesday, February 7, 9:30 a.m. - 11 a.m.
Zoom (Registration Link)
Host: Lucas Anderson (CITL)

S'24 Faculty Workshop Series on Teaching & Learning, wksp #1: Maximizing Informal (IEF) and Formal (ICES) Student Feedback to Enhance Teaching & Learning (I wish I had known that earlier)
Wednesday, February 7, 11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Location: Room 182, Armory Building (east side hallway, first floor)
Registration Link
Host: Cheelan Bo-Linn (CITL)

S'24 Faculty Workshop Series on Teaching & Learning, wksp #2: A Reflective Teaching Philosophy Statement for Promotion and Tenure
Wednesday, February 14, 11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Location: Room 182, Armory Building (east side hallway, first floor)
Registration Link
Host: Cheelan Bo-Linn (CITL)

Stay tuned for this semester's events! Bookmark the CITL Event Calendar for all upcoming workshops and the Training Services (formerly FAST3) Calendar for additional training opportunities.


UDL Tip of the Month


The previous two months' teaching tips from CITL’s Universal Design for Learning (UDL) team focused on the first two principles of UDL: Providing Multiple Means of Engagement and Providing Multiple Means of Representation. This month’s tip rounds out our overview of the UDL framework by looking at its third pillar: Providing Multiple Means of Action and Expression.

The principle of Providing Multiple Means of Action and Expression recognizes that students vary in the ways they learn and demonstrate their understanding. Addressing this principle from a design perspective involves creating more inclusive learning opportunities by giving learners multiple ways of constructing knowledge and expressing what they learn.

Here are three possible ways of providing multiple means of action and expression:

Multimodal Content: Provide a multisensory learning experience by combining different types of content. This might include text, video, podcasts, graphics, as well as opportunities for engagement like interactive simulations and timelines, embedded self-check questions, and practice options with feedback. This multimodal approach appeals to diverse learning preferences and helps reinforce key concepts through repetition in a variety of formats.

Universally Designed Assessments: Offer students choices in selecting topics and approaches for assignments or projects based on personal interest or relevance. This approach helps support individualized learning, foster creativity, and accommodate a broader range of skill sets.

Flexible Assignment Formats: Provided similar learning outcomes are achieved, assignments can offer learners more than one way to demonstrate their knowledge, such as written essays, oral presentations, video presentations, infographics, or interactive projects. Giving students more than one way of fulfilling the assignment supports diverse learning styles and allows students to showcase their understanding in ways that align with their strengths.

As with last month’s examples, the strategies provided are by no means exhaustive. If you’re looking to enhance the accessibility and inclusivity of your course and teaching, CITL's Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Team is here to help. You can reach us at Tune in next month when we look at UDL strategies for reducing threats and barriers to learning.

Selected Resources:

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