“It wasn’t until I encountered this book, Teach Yourself How to Learn, that I realized I was never taught how to learn. As a student who just entered college, I was overwhelmed by the heavy coursework load. The learning objectives listed on the syllabus showed a high expectation from the instructor. With so much I need to memorize, learn, and master, I felt like a man knowing a destination to go to, but having no map for guidance. I am fortunate that the professor of my introductory food science and human nutrition course shared this book during class when I was a struggling first semester freshman – for it changed my academic experience in college entirely. After reading the book and practicing many of the suggested strategies for a month, I scored a 100% on my chemistry test, while my best score prior to that was a B-! “
Shijia (Alexia) Chen, Student
Food Science and Human Nutrition
Concentration in Human Nutrition University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
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