View the CITL Teaching & Learning Newsletter November 3.
This Learning Life Photography Contest Submissions Open Now
If you are a a graduate student, you are encouraged to submit a photo for our This Learning LIfe photography contest. No fancy equipment or special traning necessary - just snap a picture of what learning on campus looks like to you, and submit it for a chance to win one of several prizes! Click here for more information about the contest.
Research Live! finalists present November 8
Join the Graduate College for a fun, fast-paced, and fascinating celebration of graduate research at Illinois!
The University of Illinois is home to thousands of graduate students engaged in exciting, ground-breaking research, innovative creative work, and more. Research Live!, now in its second year, challenges them to highlight their work and hone their presentation skills by giving a compelling 3-minute, 2-slide talk. Come to the finals to learn a lot, vote for your favorite, and help applaud the amazing things graduate students do here at Illinois.
November 8, 4pm, Stage 5 at the Krannert Center for the Performing Arts
Create Your Own Online Course Series begins Novembeer 13
CITL will be hosting the "Create Your Own Online Course" workshop on November 13, 14, & 15 from 9:00 am – 12:00 pm each day. This is open to all faculty, staff, eLearning Professionals, and TAs who want to learn best practices for creating an online course. See the agenda here. This is a particularly good opportunity for anyone interested in earning the Certificate in Technology-Enhanced Teaching.
Deadline to order ICES forms is November 21
If you are teaching this semester as an instructor or a TA, be sure to check with your department to see if it is your responsibility to order your own ICES forms. The deadline for ordering is November 21. See the ICES FAQ for more information about ICES and how to order your forms.
CITL Events & Workshops
Want to see what workshops and events are coming later in the system? Look at our full calendar for more information.
Friday, Nov. 10
Motivating Your Students
11:00 A.M. - 12:00 P.M., room 428, Armory
Speaker: Lucas Anderson (CITL)
Monday, Nov. 13
Create Your Own Online Course Workshop (Day One)
9:00 A.M. - 12:00 P.M., room 428, Armory
See the Tentative Agenda for details
Tuesday, Nov. 14
Create Your Own Online Course Workshop (Day Two)
9:00 A.M. - 12:00 P.M., room 428, Armory
See the Tentative Agenda for details
Wednesday, Nov. 15
Create Your Own Online Course Workshop (Day Three)
9:00 A.M. - 12:00 P.M., room 428, Armory
See the Tentative Agenda for details
CITL Technical Training
Tuesday, Nov. 7
Kaltura Essentials
10:30 A.M. - 11:30 A.M., room 428, Armory
Speaker: Alan Bilansky (Tech Services)
Teaching Tips
Six Causes of Student Resistance (to Learning)
A lot of students just don’t seem all that interested in learning. Most faculty work hard to help students find that missing motivation. They try a wide range of active learning strategies, and those approaches are successful with a lot of students but not all students. Stephen Brookfield writes about students who are beyond being passive about learning—they just plain resist it. He suggests that teachers can’t respond successfully unless they are knowledgeable about the sources of resistance to learning. Here are the reasons for student resistance.
Hang in There! Dealing with Student Resistance to Learner-Centered Teaching
Student-centered teaching methods like active and cooperative and problem-based learning make students take more responsibility for their learning than traditional teacher-centered methods do, and the students are not necessarily thrilled about it. All college instructors who have tried the former methods have experienced student resistance-and if they were getting high evaluations when they taught traditionally, their ratings may have dropped when they made the switch. Click here to learn more about dealing with student resistance.
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