
CITL Teaching and Learning News: August 13, 2021

Aug 16, 2021, 15:42 PM
CITL Teaching and Learning News: August 13, 2021
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eText@Illinois Development Grants

Beginning September 8, 2021, The Center for Innovation in Teaching & Learning (CITL) will award a limited number of $8,000 grants to University of Illinois faculty and instructors toward developing locally produced course materials as required reading for classes on the Urbana campus. Grant recipients will receive support in transforming assigned textbooks, workbooks, or readings for Spring 2022 courses into the award-winning eText@Illinois platform created at, and for, the University of Illinois. While all instructor-authors are eligible, those interested in creating required resources for large undergraduate enrollment classes (greater than 300 seats annually) are particularly encouraged to apply.  

Grants may be awarded, by arrangement with Department chair and business office, as service-in-excess appointments, or as stipends. This grant is being offered in recognition of the amount of work involved in developing course content.  Deadline for proposal submissions is August 23, 2021. Please review RFP for more details.


CITL Events & Workshops


With the return to campus this fall, we will again be offering both live and virtual workshops, as well as drop-in office hours and individual consultations to help you create transformative learning experiences.

One of the highlights of the semester is the long-running Faculty Series on Teaching & Learning. Join a dynamic learning community that meets every Wednesday at 11:30 starting on September 15. Another highlight is the popular Art of Teaching Seminar Series held virtually on the first Thursdays of the month showcasing exemplary faculty in all disciplines. Starts September 9.

Our hands-on workshops on a wide range of topics offer something for everyone. Keep an eye out for updates to the CITL Calendar to register for these, and many other practical teaching events coming this term.

  • Helping Students Establish a Sense of Belonging in Class
  • Active Learning Made Easy
  • Designing Cooperative Learning Experiences
  • The Power of Presentation
  • Promoting Student Engagement in Online Learning
  • ePortfolio for Learning Assessment
  • Preparing to Teach in IFLEX Classrooms
  • Using Informal Early Feedback (IEF)

Canvas Training and Support

The following workshops will be offered by the Canvas Training working group throughout the fall term. Visit the Canvas workshop calendar for the latest dates and to sign up for upcoming live sessions.

  • Building Courses in Canvas
  • Managing Courses in Canvas
  • Migrating from Compass 2g to Canvas

Our Canvas self-paced, online courses offer the same material you'd see in our live workshops, but with easy access any time of the day or night. Enroll in any of these topics for immediate access.

Join the Canvas Community course to connect with campus consultants, submit questions to Canvas experts, and more. This opt-in course space is an additional resource to support faculty in the transition to Canvas and facilitate discussion with colleagues across campus. 


Teaching Tips


Make the Most of the First Day of Class

(From the Eberly Center) The first day of class always creates some nervousness, even for seasoned instructors. It helps to have a mental checklist of objectives to accomplish so that you and your students come away with the impression that the course is off to a good start. The first class meeting should serve at least two basic purposes: 1) to clarify all reasonable questions students might have relative to the course objectives, as well as your expectations for their performance in class. As students leave the first meeting, they should believe in your competence to teach the course, be able to predict the nature of your instruction, and know what you will require of them and 2) to give you an understanding of who is taking your course and what their expectations are. Here are eight concrete objectives from these two purposes.

Using Your Syllabus as a Learning Resource

(From Faculty Focus) We know students do not take it upon themselves to read the syllabus. Yet syllabus indifference still bewilders me after teaching for 25 years, given that my syllabi are conveniently available online and in hard copy, and are replete with information virtually assuring success with my courses. Tired of asking students to “read the syllabus for that information,” a number of years ago I decided to incorporate my syllabus into each class meeting as a learning resource. Three strategies have proven quite successful.

See More Teaching Tips Here

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