
CITL Teaching and Learning News: September 23, 2021

Sep 24, 2021, 15:08 PM
CITL Teaching and Learning News: September 23, 2021
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TA Reading Groups Starting for Fall

How do the best college teachers teach? Find out by reading Ken Bain's What the Best College Teachers Do along with fellow TAs and a CITL facilitator. Meetings will be arranged to fit your schedule and participation will count towards the teaching certificates. Sign up for a reading group by following this link - you will be matched up with other TAs and a facilitator with similar availability.

Looking for Students to Help Inform New Teaching Evaluation System

Based on the recommendations of the Provost Teaching Effectiveness Taskforce, on behalf of the Office of the Provost, CITL is currently seeking student participants for focus groups to help determine the questions for a new Teaching Evaluation System (TES) on campus.  Broad graduate and undergraduate student participation is imperative and we ask that you share this sign up information with your students.

Register now for the Information Accessibility Design & Policy professional certificate program

The first course of the College of Applied Health Sciences' Information Accessibility Design and Policy (IADP) Online Professional Certificate program starts on October 18. NOTE: Registration has been extended until November 1. The IADP professional certificate program consists of three, 2-credit 8-week online courses that can be completed in one academic year. This professional certificate is available to undergraduate, graduate, degree or non-degree seeking students. 

Through the IADP program, website/web application developers/designers, content creators in education and industry, eLearning specialists, instructional designers, information technology specialists, and disability service providers will learn the principles of accessible information architecture and universal design used in education, healthcare, and employment settings. Students will also learn the federal and state legal mandates governing information accessibility and their relationship to the civil rights of people with disabilities, as well as technology accessibility standards, design techniques that adhere to those standards, and tools that support validation and evidence of compliance to those standards.

Register for IADP Certificate Program. Approved by the International Association of Accessibility Professionals (IAAP) for CAEC Professional Development Credit.

Art of Teaching Seminars Highlight New Opportunities

Dr. Saad Shehab from the Siebel Center for Design (SCD) presented Pedagogy and Assessment of Human-Centered Design during the first Art of Teaching Lunchtime Seminar held on September 9. Shehab discussed the value of utilizing human-centered approaches to problem-solving, product development, and even course design, where faculty are asked to consider a series of interrelated questions leading to a deeper understanding of student learning needs and more meaningful assessments.

Shehab will be further exploring these ideas in two upcoming workshops for facultyEmpathy and Iteration in Teaching and Using Design Tools for Research and Teaching. SCD also hosts other workshops for learners. View the recorded session on the Art of Teaching webpage.

Master Course in Online Teaching (MCOT)

CITL's Master Course in Online Teaching (MCOT) is a deep dive into online teaching strategies that extend what was presented at the Online Teaching Academy (2020) and the Illinois Summer Teaching Institute (2021). Prior participation in either instructional development series is not required but professional experience with university level instruction is strongly encouraged.

This synchronous version of MCOT will be limited to a small cohort to form our supportive learning community. The course contains 4 modules which have a modest weekly time commitment of approximately 4 - 5 hours. Please join us as we learn together from online teaching experts from around the world and right here at Illinois. The course opens on Monday 10/4/21 and our synchronous meetings occur at 11:30am - 1:00pm on the following four Mondays - October 11, 18, & 25 and November 1.

For more information click on the link above or contact David Favre (Teaching and Learning Specialist, CITL) at

Course Visits at the Innovation Studio

Course visits are well underway for the Fall '21 semester. CITL Innovation Spaces is now accepting appointments and inquiries for the Spring '22 Semester! Start planning early and contact us about how your class can benefit from a visit to the Innovation Studio. Students can experience Virtual Reality, Mixed Reality, Laser Cutting, 3D Printing and more! Contact Megan Baird at

CITL Events & Workshops

Wednesday, September 29
Fall '21 Faculty Series on Teaching & Learning wkshp #2- Identifying and Implementing Questioning Strategies to Enhance Learning
11:30 A.M. - 1:00 P.M., room 428, Armory Building
Presenter: Cheelan Bo-Linn, CITL
Tuesday, October 5
Developing Your Teaching Philosophy Statement for a Faculty Job Search
9:30 A.M. - 11:00 A.M., Online, register to receive Zoom link
Presenter: Lucas Anderson, CITL
Wednesday, October 6
Fall '21 Faculty Series on Teaching & Learning wkshp #3- Problem-Based Learning (PBL): Preparing Students to Solve Problems Creatively and Effectively
11:30 A.M. - 1:00 P.M., room 428, Armory Building
Presenter: Cheelan Bo-Linn, CITL
Thursday, October 7
Art of Teaching Seminar Series: Integrating Multi-media Course Tools to support Studio and Design Learning 
Noon - 1:00 P.M., Online, register to receive Zoom link
Presenter: Karin Hodgin Jones (Fine and Applied Arts)
Wednesday, October 13
Fall '21 Faculty Series on Teaching & Learning wkshp #4- Active Learning: Ways to Engage Students and Assess Their Learning
11:30 A.M. - 1:00 P.M., room 428, Armory Building
Presenter: Cheelan Bo-Linn, CITL
Check the CITL calendar for new workshops added regularly, and for a complete listing of all our Canvas training and support opportunities.

Teaching Tips


Could Your Assignments Use a Tune-Up?

(from Faculty focus) How do students think about assignments? A lot never get past the idea that they’re basically unpleasant things faculty make them do. What does interest a lot of students is finding out what the teacher wants in the assignment, not so much what the assignments asks but more seeking insight as to what the teacher “likes.” Discover that and there’s a better chance of a good grade, or so the thinking goes. Unfortunately, very few students look at an assignment and think, now there’s an interesting learning opportunity. And how do faculty think about assignments? With multiple courses and lots of other work besides, with each new assignment developed there’s a tendency to first consider the amount of grading that will come with it. Assignments are what students ride on their way to learning. Our responsibility is to provide good vehicle maintenance and recognition when it’s time for a trade-in. 

Creating Engaging Assignments

(from Stanford University - Tomorrow's Professor's Postings) For many years, teachers have focused on the importance of engaging students deeply in their work since we know that effort and motivation are central to learning. Here are three case studies of course assignments that led to significant engagement by students: student choice, high-stakes assignments (e.g., presenting for an external audience), and using drama as a teaching tool. Similar assignments could be incorporated, with appropriate adaptations, in many other contexts.

See More Teaching Tips Here

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