Illinois Mediaspace is the campus multimedia distribution platform, powered by Kaltura. Mediaspace is integrated with Compass 2G and Learn@Illinois, allowing you to embed and display your media assets across campus platforms. Content can be shared with the world or restricted to specific users by NetID. The platform allows for a self-service, YouTube like interface, and offers integrated screen and webcam recording, as well as auto-captioning.
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With Mediaspace you can record and share micro-lectures, assign and aggregate student video projects, curate and create playlists of existing media content and more. Common Mediaspace uses include:
Lecture capture library – students routinely agree that having access to recorded classroom lectures enhances their opportunity to engage with and master course content. The ability for students to review and study difficult concepts at their own pace, to rewind, replay, slowdown and fast-forward video can be a powerful personalized learning tool for individual learners.
Create and share microlectures – whether you’re teaching online or face-to-face, creating short, focused video lectures is a great way to provide new content to students outside of class time. Use microlectures to introduce topics for the upcoming week, or flip your course and have students view lecture videos before coming to class so they are prepared to apply what they’ve learned during class time.
Student-generated video projects – communicating through video is becoming a critical skill that all students will need to practice at some point. Assigning projects that require students to produce their own videos, either individually, or in groups, will help themn to develop their visual communication skills. Consider having students document their learning throughout your course, or replace a traditional student paper or presentation with a video assignment that serves a similar purpose.