Teaching in iFLEX interactive Classrooms
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Ava Wolf, PhD

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NEW WAYS OF TEACHING in NEW kinds of classrooms.


iFLEX stands for Illinois Flexible Learning EXperience, the newest interactive classrooms on campus. iFLEX classrooms feature reconfigurable furniture, multiple writing surfaces, and enhanced audio-visual technologies. Interactive classrooms are most effective for courses and teaching methods that emphasize interactive learning activities and digital media. More information:  

  • Featured Faculty: watch video vignettes of iFLEX classrooms and teaching
  • Teaching Strategies: learn fun and engaging ways to make the most of iFLEX interactive classrooms
  • Programs, Events, and Grants: join the iFLEX teaching community

TEACHING support for iflex CLASSROOMS

Just one teaching consultation will give you ideas for interactive learning activities you can use right away! Our programs, workshops, and lunch-hour learning sessions let you experience the interactive classroom with others while developing new strategies for your own classes. Sessions for every level, with and without technology. Click on Learn More to request a teaching consultation, or see our Calendar for upcoming events.


CITL offers short presentations highlighting research on iFLEX interactive classrooms, and customized programs for faculty and staff on a variety of topics: teaching strategies for your discipline, course improvement cohort, planning your new department spaces, and preparing to teach in interactive classrooms. Click on Learn More to request a department presentation, or a customized program for your faculty.


Thinking about new classrooms? CITL serves as liaison between department leaders, campus units, and designers to help you navigate the classroom renovation process. From visioning sessions that imagine new ways of teaching and learning, to recommendations on room furnishings, CITL experts help to ensure that faculty needs are met, and best teaching practices are supported. Click on Learn More to discuss classroom renovation projects.