Teaching & Learning Tips

A collection of tips and tools designed to aid in transitioning instruction online.

Create an Event and Event Communications in Slate

Jun 08, 2021

Setting Up Your Event

1. Navigate to the event section of Slate by clicking on the calendar icon, then click on the “New Event” button at the top.


2. In the “Details” tab, enter the following information:

  • Page title – Enter the name of the event as it should externally appear to the student.
  • Internal name – If different from the external name, enter the internal name.
  • Template – Leave as blank if setting up an individual event. If you are doing a series of events (more than two a semester), contact citl-slatespt@illinois.edu to set up an event template for your unit.
  • Folder – Select your college/unit’s folder. If no folder has been set up for your college/unit yet, select “Other” and type in your college/unit name.
  • Status – Leave as “Tentative.” Once the event is finalized, select “Confirmed/Active.”
  • Date – Enter the date and time the event will begin and end.
  • All other fields can remain as is/blank.

 3. In the “Location” tab, enter the name of the event’s location and address. If this is a virtual event, you do not need to enter a location.


4. In the “Description” tab, enter a brief description of the event. Note that this description will be viewed by the student when signing up, so it needs to be both accurate and grammatically correct.


5. In the “Limits” tab, enter the registration limit (the total number of students and guests who can attend the event). The waitlist limit should be left blank. You can leave blank if there is no limit.  


Editing Your Event

1. Once your event has been created, you will see all information associated with the event. To edit any details related to the event, select “Edit” in the upper-right-hand corner.


2. The URL you’ll use for students to sign up for your event is also included on this page. If you’d like to edit the name of this URL, select “Edit URL.”


Editing the Sign-Up Form

1. To review and/or edit your sign-up form, select “Edit Form” in the upper-right-hand corner.


2. Your form will include default fields. You can tweak, add, and delete fields based on your event needs using the tools on the right-hand side of the page. In general, events and sign-up forms should ask for at least: name, email, and birthday or entry term. 


Editing the Communications

1. To add communications to your event, select “Edit Communications.”

It is recommend that you have at least  typically has five communications per event:

  • Confirmation Page (seen by student online immediately once he/she submits the form)
  • Confirmation Email (received by student once he/she signs up)
  • Reminder Email (received by student XX hours prior to event)
  • Follow-Up Email (received by student XX hours after event)
  • Cancellation Email (received by student if he/she cancels)


2. To add a communication, select “New Mailing,” choosing the options that make sense for your event.


3. Once you hit “save,” select “edit message” to craft the message for each communication you add. Be sure your sender address is the address you would like it to be.


And now you have a Slate event!