Teaching & Learning Tips

A collection of tips and tools designed to aid in transitioning instruction online.

Virtual Inventory Count

Aug 11, 2020

CITL Instructor Story
Submitted by Devin Williams, Gies College of Business, Department of Accountancy

Each semester, near the end, I have the students in my course (financial statement auditing) do a hands-on inventory count day. I typically bring in about 23 different groups of items (totaling about 500 individual items). I have the students calculate their needed sample, make selections, and then roam the classroom valuing and counting the inventory looking for mis-valuations, mistakes, obsolescence, etc. I was very worried about how to do this online. I created an excel document with each tab containing hundreds of pictures of the items. The students virtually wandered through the document to find, count, and value the inventory. They were still able to complete the stated learning objectives virtually.

Students said it was one of their favorite days of the semester, although they would have preferred doing it "hands on".

The biggest thing to learn from this experience is that we have to be creative when thinking of how to adapt hands on experiences. It took more time for me, but was worth it to the students.

For additional CITL Instructor stories, visit https://citl.illinois.edu/citl-101/teaching-learning/instructor-stories.