Teaching & Learning Tips

A collection of tips and tools designed to aid in transitioning instruction online.

Taking Care of Your Whole Self

Aug 20, 2020
Sleep and Exercise

In our culture, pulling all-nighters and getting minimal sleep is sometimes seen as a cool or necessary thing to do, but it couldn’t be further from the truth. Getting enough rest every night, and finding time to exercise can benefit all other aspects of your life, improving both your mental and physical state. Studies show a critical linkage between sleep and the brain’s ability to integrate new skills and ideas. Don’t spend all night cramming for your next test, remember the importance of spacing and interleaving your studies.

Wellness Reflection from Campus Recreation

Campus Recreation offers a Wellness Reflection assessment that can give you a snapshot of where you currently are on your personal wellness journey. It will help you gain insight into areas of your own wellness that you should focus on.

The Eight Dimensions of Wellness are categorized as:

  • Physical
  • Mental
  • Environmental
  • Financial
  • Spiritual
  • Vocational
  • Emotional
  • Social
  • Physical

Visit Campus Recreation Student Wellness for more information. 

Relaxation Exercises from the McKinley Health Center

Exercising your mind is just as important as exercising your body. The McKinley Health Center offers an overview of how to exercise your mind and relax your mental state. This guide can be viewed right in your browser, and it’s complete with audio files to help you relax. 

Visit McKinley Relaxation Exercises for more information.