Develop or Revise Online Course
One major difference in teaching an online course versus a face-to-face course is the audience. While students in a face-to-face course are generally of similar age and circumstance, those that take online courses tend to be much more varied. Before beginning the design process, take some time to think though who might be taking your course using the resources provided.
Below are a list of questions to consider about the audience of your online course, as well as some tips on how to develop your online course, so it can work for your diverse audience. In the Resources section, there are two leaner analysis worksheets you can download to help guide you in thinking about your learners.
Take these typical scenarios into consideration when you are planning your course's deadlines, live sessions, and office hours. Above all, be flexible.
Use the information you have gathered about your students to narrow such things as topics to cover, assignments to use, and assessments to administer that will help your students get the most from your course. For instance, if your course depends on prerequisite knowledge of a set of formulas or definitions, make sure you inform students of this fact; perhaps through administering a pre-test, so both you and your students are aware of any gaps in their knowledge. The worksheets in the Resources section are meant to be used in conjunction with the planning documents provided in Outlining Your Course.