Do you need to produce media for your course? Knowing how to prepare and what campus resources are available can save you a lot of time and effort.
Taking a bit of time to sketch your trajectory will save you tremendously down the road.
- Use CITL’s Media Planning Guide to review an inventory of teaching practices and available resources, and consider student needs.
- Consider legal issues such as Fair Use, Public Domain, and Creative Commons
- Utilize CITL’s Online Course-in-a-Box’s Copyright Information page at https://goo.gl/QFBFsx
- Consider Universal Design Principals
- Plan ahead for visuals
- Employ audio descriptions or screen readable alt-text
- Build information accessible to persons with color-blindness
- If applicable, examine your choice of colloquial phrases, ensuring international students can understand your teaching
- Identify a strategy for transcribing and/or captioning your media
Consider these things just before and during recording.
- Gear up with your webcam/microphone or rent equipment from the Media Commons
- Choose your location:
- Review CITL’s Recording Tips: https://goo.gl/WPiaQG
Once you are done recording, follow these steps to package all your media up for your students.
- Review CITL’s Media Editing Tips here: https://goo.gl/u3xMzn
- Distribute your material(s) to students
- See MediaSpace FAQ for using this system to distribute media: https://mediaspace.illinois.edu/help
- Contact your department/college’s onlineeducation administrators for additional recommendations
- Appropriately transcribe/caption time-based media using these DRES recommendations: https://goo.gl/4Z7Ns0
Excerpt from CITL's Online Course In-A-Box