A carousel is a rotating set of images, rotation stops on keyboard focus on carousel tab controls or hovering the mouse pointer over images. Use the tabs or the previous and next buttons to change the displayed slide.
Learn more about the implications of Generative AI, including Chat GPT, on Teaching and Learning and how the educational technology experts in CITL can increase your awareness and knowledge of how to utilize this new technology.
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CITL assists faculty who are teaching in all modalities. This collection of short articles covers topics ranging from effective teaching and course design strategies to tips for increasing engagement, thinking creatively about assessment, and supporting student learning.
Non-native English-speaking TAs must demonstrate oral English proficiency by passing the TOEFL, IELTS, or campus-based English Proficiency Interview.
I need support for teaching in iFLEX INTERACTIVE CLASSROOMS
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Plan a visit to experience virtual reality and other innovative emerging technologies.