If you choose a proctored location off campus (other than ProctorU), it must allow for web-based testing. You must also complete and e-mail the below form to your instructor no later than two weeks before the exam date to indicate your third-party proctored exam choice and off-campus proctor information. Once you have chosen your proctor, it is your responsibility to schedule the exam with the proctor. Your instructor will notify the proctor with instructions on how to access your test. Please verify with the proctor that they will be open and able to proctor the exam for you before contacting your instructor about this proctored exam choice.
In the event that you are contacted by a student in your class who has elected to take the exam with an off-campus proctor other than ProctorU, you will receive an e-mail attachment from your student containing a Third-Party Proctor Request Form with contact information for your student's off-campus proctor.
IMPORTANT: the final decision to approve a third-party proctor is up to the instructor. Please review the student's proctor request carefully to verify the legitimacy of the proposed proctor. It is highly recommended that you phone the proposed proctor to confirm their viability. If you are not comfortable with the proposed proctor or suspect they may be related to the student, you may want to decline the student's third-party proctor request.
If you decide to approve the student's third-party proctor request, you will need to e-mail the proctor an Assessment Directive Form containing exam information the third-party proctor will need to proctor the exam for your student (passwords, special instructions, dates/times, etc.). Below is a sample Instructor Message that can be sent to the Third-party Proctor.
Sample Instructor Message to Third-Party Proctor
Dear [Proctor],
Thank you for proctoring [Student Name] for the upcoming [class rubric & number] exam. Please find attached an assessment directive form which includes specific details concerning the exam. One important detail in this attachment is the password that you will need to enter into the course website when the student attempts to access the exam. Let me know if you have any questions. You can contact me before, during, or after the exam at [telephone number].
[Instructor Name]