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Disruptive Behavior

Disruptive behavior can hinder the flow of teaching, distract other students, and create an atmosphere of tension and discomfort. Addressing disruptive behavior promptly allows instructors to ensure that the classroom remains respectful and focused on learning. This enhances the learning experience and fosters community and mutual respect.

Navigating Difficult Classroom Situations

Dealing with disruptive behavior in the classroom requires a combination of proactive and reactive strategies. Start by setting clear expectations and rules for behavior for your class as a class policy. Feel free to refer to the Illinois Student Code. When disruptions occur, address them calmly and promptly. Use strategies like ACTION to structure your intervention. The office of the Dean of Students has additional resources on Responding to Threatening Student Behavior.  Redirect the disruptive student’s attention back to the lesson or activity, and if necessary, speak with them privately to discuss their behavior and its impact on the class.

Navigating Difficult Classroom Situation How-To's

  • Syllabus Statement for Classroom Behavior

  • Strategies for Addressing Student Disruptions

  • Discussion Disruptive Behavior

Following Up After a Classroom Disruption

Approach the conversation with empathy and clarity. Start your classroom disruption follow-up by calmly explaining the specific disruptive behavior and how it impacted the class. Listen to the student’s perspective and try to understand any underlying issues contributing to their behavior. Show empathy for the situation. Clearly outline your expectations for future behavior and discuss potential strategies to help the student meet these expectations. Offer support and resources if needed and emphasize your commitment to their success in the class. Finally, document the conversation to ensure there is a record of the discussion and agreed-upon actions.

Following Up After a Classroom Disruption How-To's

  • Classroom Disruption Follow-Up

Student Feedback

Student feedback is crucial for growth and success in any course. It provides students with insights into their strengths and areas for improvement, fostering a deeper understanding of the subject matter. Constructive feedback helps students develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills, encouraging them to take ownership of their learning journey. Moreover, timely and specific feedback can boost students’ confidence and motivation, leading to better academic performance and a more positive attitude towards learning.

Here are some strategies for giving effective student feedback:

Student Feedback How-To's

  • Oral Assessments

  • Written Assessments

  • Performance Assessments

By implementing these strategies, educators can provide meaningful feedback that supports student growth and success.


Bormann, I., Niedlich, S., & Würbel, I. (2021). Trust in Educational Settings—What It Is and Why It Matters. European Perspectives. European Education53(3–4), 121–136.