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Scholarship of Teaching & Learning

“Viewing teaching as scholarly work is essential. Teachers so often have to carry out their work in isolation from their colleagues. The result is that those who engage in innovative acts of teaching do not have many opportunities to build upon the work of others."
- Lee S. Shulman, president emeritus of The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching

With the increased focus on enhancing teaching and learning, Inquiry about student learning has become more common in institutions of higher education. A goal is to assist all instructors to become scholarly teachers; that is, to be knowledgeable in pedagogy and reflective about their teaching practices. Those who wish to contribute to our knowledge of pedagogy and learning do so through the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL). This endeavor as defined by Pat Hutching and Lee Schulman (Change 1999) is a rigorous examination of the relationship of teaching and learning and is characterized by "being public, open to critique and evaluation, and in a form that others can build on."

SoTL work is a systematic reflection and investigation of our classrooms. It is a bridge between the acts of teaching and research, with explicit focus on enhancing student learning. It is asking questions about what works, what doesn't, and why and then transforming these activities into collecting and analyzing evidence of student learning.

Introduction to SoTL

How to begin SoTL

Examples of SoTL

On our campus:

Additional examples of SoTL

Going public