Cognitive Process |
Verbs |
Sample Question Stem |
Potential Student Activity |
Remember Retrieve relevant knowledge
from long-term memory |
Remember, recognize, identify, recall, retrieve |
- What happened after...?
- How many...?
- What is...?
- Who was it that...?
- Where did...?
- Make a list showing...
- Make a time line
- Make a chart showing...
Understand Construct meaning from
instructional messages, including oral, written, and graphic
communication |
Understand, interpret, clarify, paraphrase, infer,
represent, translate, exemplify, match, illustrate, explain,
classify, categorize, map, summarize, abstract, generalize,
predict, conclude, compare, contrast, interpolate,
extrapolate |
- Explain... Who do you think...
- Why did...
- What would a graph of ... look like
- Which equation corresponds to this statement...
- What are examples of...
- How could you group...
- How are ... similar
- Write a summary of ...
- Prepare a flow chart (concept map) of ...
- Write an explanation of...
- Make a taxonomy of ...
- Draw a map/graph of ...
- Write down possible outcomes of...
- Retell an event in your own words
- Make a model of...
Apply Carry out or use a procedure in a
given situation |
apply, execute, carry out, use, implement |
- What is the answer to the following problem ...?
- How would you solve...?
- How would you do ...?
- Solve a problem
- Write a response to a case study
- Perform a lab experiment
Analyze Break material into its
constituent parts and determine how the parts relate to one
another and to an overall structure or purpose |
Analyze, differentiate, discriminate, distinguish, focus,
select, organize, integrate, outline, structure, attribute,
deconstruct, find coherence |
- What was the turning point ...?
- How is ... similar to ...?
- Why did ... occur?
- What is needed to ...?
- Can you distinguish between ...?
- What were some of the motives behind ...?
- Write a biography
- Make a map showing interrelationships
- Write an analysis of ...
- Write an essay examining bias in ...
- Construct a graph to organize relevant
Evaluate Make judgments based on
criteria or standards |
Evaluate, check, coordinate, detect, monitor, test,
critique, judge |
- Is there a better solution?
- What do you think about ... and why?
- Is ... good and why?
- Conduct a debate
- Write a critique
- Prepare a case
- Write an opinion piece
Create Put elements together to form a
coherent or functional whole; reorganize elements into a new
pattern or structure |
Create, generate, hypothesize, plan, design, produce,
construct |
- What are possible solutions to ...?
- Can you design a... to...?
- What would happen if...?
- How many ways can you...?
- Design an experiment
- Create a new product
- Plan a marketing campaign
- Create a piece of art
- Design a new building