UDL Tip of the Month

March 2024

UDL Tip of the Month Series

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Fostering Expert Learners

Thus far, the CITL UDL Tip of the Month series has looked at the overall framework for UDL and considered a variety of course design strategies and applications for each of the three pillars of UDL: Multiple Means of Engagement, Representation, and Action and Expression. From this vantage point, this month’s tip examines the goal of UDL: supporting students to become expert learners.

What does it mean to be an expert learner? The Center for Applied Special Technology (CAST) defines “expert learners” as students “who are, each in their own way, purposeful and motivated, resourceful and knowledgeable, and strategic and goal driven.”* To unpack this definition a bit:

  • Purposeful and Motivated Learners are goal-directed in their learning, set challenging learning goals for themselves, and know how to sustain the effort needed to achieve those goals.
  • Resourceful and Knowledgeable Learners make connections to prior learning experiences and recognize the tools and resources to help them structure and retain new information.
  • Strategic and Goal Driven Learners formulate plans for learning, monitor and reflect on their progress, and adapt their learning approaches based on feedback and new information, shifting strategies when necessary to achieve their goals.

In the context of design, the goal is to create learning environments that support all learners in becoming more expert-like in their learning approaches, regardless of their starting point or background. So, what course design strategies can be leveraged to help students become expert learners?

CAST offers the following 5 UDL Tips for Fostering Expert Learners along with examples and related design questions that instructors/designers can consider:

1. Support Relevant Goal Setting:

    • Example: Inviting learners to reflect on a learning goal through personal experience or work they want to accomplish.
    • Design Questions: Are the goals clear and relevant for my learners? How can I better support my learners to set their own relevant and meaningful goals?

2. Communicate High Expectations for All and Recognize Variability:

    • Example: Using feedback that encourages all learners to believe they can achieve high expectations by acknowledging individual differences, communicating high expectations, and promoting goal-directed learning.
    • Design Questions: Have I communicated consistent, high expectations for all learners? How have I supported my students to set high expectations for themselves? What resources have I made available to support learner differences?

3. Promote Disciplinary Expertise:

    • Example: Clarifying the distinguishing features of disciplinary experts in your domain and highlighting how experts engage in their discipline.
    • Design Questions: Have I defined and shared disciplinary expertise in my domain? In what ways are there opportunities for learners to become purposeful, resourceful, and strategic in different disciplines?

4. Focus on the Process, Not Just the Outcome:

    • Example: Showcasing the steps that lead to a final product, such as editing drafts or discussing mistakes in a math problem.
    • Design Questions: How do I highlight the learning process in my discipline? Am I offering mastery-oriented feedback throughout the learning experience?

5. Guide Self-Reflection:

    • Example: Having learners share reflections about their learning frequently, with formative assessments like exit tickets, online feedback options, or journaling.
    • Design Questions: Have I offered time for reflection about the learning process and how that process varies across disciplines? Where can I foster collaboration among learners to share about their learning processes? How do I model the process of expert learning for learners?

Ultimately, becoming an expert learner is an ongoing learning process that is reflective and evolving. By understanding and implementing design strategies that support students in becoming purposeful, motivated, resourceful, and strategic in their learning, instructors and designers can create inclusive learning environments where all students can thrive. The 5 UDL tips provided offer practical guidance for designing courses that not only accommodate diverse learners but also empower them to become expert learners, capable of navigating and succeeding in any learning context.

* Adapted from CAST (2017). UDL Tips for Fostering Expert Learners. Wakefield, MA: Author. Retrieved from https://www.cast.org/products-services/resources/2017/udl-tips-fostering-expert-learners

Contact Information

If you’re looking to enhance the accessibility and inclusivity of your course design, CITL's Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Team is here to help! You can reach us at CITL-UDLTeam@illinois.edu.