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Mathematics Placement

Cutoff Scores and Placement Messages for 2019-2020


ALEKS PPL (“Placement, Preparation, and Learning”) uses adaptive, open-response questioning to rapidly and accurately assess a student in 30 questions or less. Students are correctly placed and given the opportunity to improve their placement with targeted learning with up to 6 months of access to the Prep and Learning Module. The policies below apply to all students entering the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in Summer 2019, Fall 2019, or Spring 2020.

All new freshmen are required to take the ALEKS PPL Math Placement Exam prior to registration, even if you are expecting AP or IB course proficiency credit! No exceptions.

All transfer students who intend to enroll in a Calculus I or lower-level math class are also required to take the ALEKS PPL Math Placement Exam. If you are transferring to Illinois with math credit earned elsewhere, you should check with your college to verify what other math courses, if any, your program requires.

ALEKS PPL test scores expire in four months. This means that, the semester that immediately follows the date of your ALEKS PPL test, you must enroll in and complete the math course into which you place. Otherwise, you will need to take the ALEKS PPL Math Placement Exam again in order to obtain an updated course placement.

Learn more about mathematics placement testing.

The ALEKS PPL Math Placement Exam does not award academic credit. If you wish to take a math proficiency exam, check the schedule, as they are offered at various times throughout the year.

Questions? Contact the Mathematics Department during business hours.

You will have more options than students who did not take AP or IB. You may accept your test-based credit and follow the placement recommendation that is based on your AP or IB score, or you may enroll anyway in the course that you earned credit for. (Duplicate credit is not permitted.) Please discuss your course enrollment options with your academic advisor, who will guide you through your particular program's requirements.


ALEKS PPL Math Score

Admission College

Placement Message

0 - 19 All colleges Math 101; Additional preparation is strongly recommended before Math 112, which is a prerequisite for most other Math courses.
20 - 39 AHS, DGS, EDU, FAA, LAS, MEDIA, SSW Math 101 or other preparation before Math 112; If calculus is not needed, Math 181 is appropriate.
ACES, BUS, ENGR Math 101 or other preparation before Math 112.
40 - 64 ACES Math 112 before Math 115, Math 124, or Math 234; or take Math 112 followed by Math 115 before Math 220. A minimum score of 40% is required for Math 112, and 50% is recommended.
AHS, DGS, FAA, LAS, MEDIA, SSW If calculus is needed, take Math 112 followed by Math 115 before Math 220 or Math 234; otherwise, Math 119 or 181 is appropriate. A minimum score of 40% is required for Math 112, and 50% is recommended.
BUS Math 112 before Math 234; or take Math 112 followed by Math 115 before Math 220. A minimum score of 40% is required for Math 112, and 50% is recommended.
EDU If calculus is needed, take Math 112 followed by Math 115 before Math 220 or Math 234; otherwise, Math 103, 117, 119, or 181 is appropriate. A minimum score of 40% is required for Math 112, and 50% is recommended.
ENGR Math 112 followed by Math 115 before Math 220. A minimum score of 40% is required for Math 112, and 50% is recommended.
65 - 79 ACES Math 124 or Math 234; or take Math 115 followed by Math 220.
AHS, DGS, FAA, LAS, MEDIA, SSW If Math 220 is needed, take Math 115 before Math 220; otherwise, Math 119, 124, 181, or 234 is appropriate.
BUS Math 234; or take Math 115 followed by Math 220.
EDU If Math 220 is needed, take Math 115 followed by Math 220; otherwise, Math 103, 117, 119, 124, 181, or 234 is appropriate.
ENGR Math 115 followed by Math 220.
80 - 100 ACES, AHS, DGS, FAA, LAS, MEDIA, SSW Math 220 if less than a year of calculus in high school; Math 221 if a year of calculus in high school; Math 234; or any 100-level math course. With AP or IB credit, higher courses may be appropriate.
BUS Math 234; or Math 220 if less than a year of calculus in high school; or Math 221 if a year of calculus in high school. With AP or IB credit, higher courses may be appropriate.
EDU Math 103, 117, 119, 181; a 100-level course; Math 234; Math 220 if less than a year of calculus in high school; Math 221 if a year of calculus in high school. With AP or IB credit, higher courses may be appropriate.
ENGR Math 220 if less than a year of calculus in high school; Math 221 if a year of calculus in high school. With AP or IB credit, higher courses may be appropriate.