Measurement & Evaluation
ICES Online
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For questions or information, please contact:

ICES Online Administrator
Room 247 Armory


Monday - Friday
8:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Teaching Evaluation: ICES Online

ICES Online is the web-based platform used to administer ICES student ratings questionnaires. In ICES Online, instructors or departments can create their ICES questionnaires, students can complete the questionnaires, and instructors and departments can access ICES results.

Instructors will be notified by email once their sections are loaded in ICES Online. Some departments’ ICES questionnaires are “centrally prepared,” meaning that an instructor’s questionnaires are created by their department. Instructors whose questionnaires are not centrally prepared may wish to watch our video on creating ICES questionnaires to learn more about the process.

We only load instructors who have a "Percent of Responsibility" greater than zero in Banner. Departmental schedulers are responsible for entering this information. Only individuals regularly interacting with all students in a section in a teaching capacity are eligible to administer ICES. This excludes individuals whose responsibilities only include grading, staffing office hours, or providing various forms of administrative support. By default, we do not load the following sections into ICES Online: Independent Study (IND) sections, Research (RES) sections, internship and study abroad sections without a classroom component, and sections consisting only of a series of speakers. 

While ICES Online will send email reminders to students when their questionnaires are available, it is still very important that instructors also remind students about them. To maximize student participation, instructors should consider administering ICES during class. This should be done at the beginning of class, and the instructor should leave while students are completing the questionnaires and resume class afterward. The student component of ICES Online is user-friendly on PCs, laptops, and mobile devices. Instructors may also increase the response rate by making the completion of ICES questionnaires a task to be completed on their course website bearing in mind that it can’t be required.

Items relating to online courses and the use of technology have recently been added to the ICES item catalog. These items can be found in section VII of the catalog.