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Mathematics Placement

Cutoff Scores and Placement Messages for 2011-2012

Placement into the math courses is based on the student’s ALEKS Math exam score. All new freshmen enrolling during the 2011-2012 academic year are required to take this placement exam prior to registration. It is administered online through

Transfer students who intend to enroll in a Calculus I or lower-level math class are also required to take the ALEKS Math placement exam.

Cutoff scores and course placement recommendations are derived in collaboration with the Mathematics Department and are reviewed annually. The policies below apply to all students entering Illinois in Summer 2011, Fall 2011, or Spring 2012.

Learn more about mathematics placement testing.

The ALEKS Math Placement Exam does not award proficiency credit. Proficiency tests are given separately.

Questions? Contact the Mathematics Department during business hours.


ALEKS Math Score

Admission College

Placement Message

0 - 19 All colleges Remediation is required before Math 012 or Math 016 (Math 016 is Math 012 + Math 014), which are prerequisites for all other Math courses.
20 - 29 AHS, AVI, DGS, EDU, FAA, LAS, MEDIA May enroll in Math 181; remediation is required before Math 012 or Math 016 (Math 016 is Math 012 + Math 014), which are prerequisites for all other Math courses.
ACES, BUS, ENG Remediation is required before Math 012 or Math 016 (Math 016 is Math 012 + Math 014), which are prerequisites for all other Math courses.
30 - 49 ACES Math 012 before Math 124 or Math 234; Math 012 plus Math 014 (or Math 016) is permitted before Math 220, but Math 115 is the recommended prerequisite for Math 220.
AHS, AVI, DGS, FAA, LAS, MEDIA Math 119, 181; Math 012 before Math 234; Math 012 plus 014 (or Math 016) is permitted before Math 220, but Math 115 is the recommended prerequisite for Math 220; Math 012 before any course not listed above.
BUS Math 012 before Math 125 or Math 234. Math 012 plus Math 014 (or Math 016) is permitted before Math 220, but Math 115 is the recommended prerequisite for Math 220.
EDU Math 103, 117, 119 or 181; Math 012 before Math 234; Math 012 plus Math 014 (or Math 016) is permitted, but Math 115 is the recommended prerequisite for Math 220.
ENG Math 012 before Math 115; Math 012 plus 014 (or Math 016) is permitted before Math 220, but Math 115 is the recommended prerequisite for Math 220.
50 - 69 ACES Math 124; Math 234; Math 115 before Math 220
AHS, AVI, DGS, FAA, LAS, MEDIA Math 119, 124, 181, or 234; Math 115 before Math 220
BUS Math 125; Math 234; Math 115 before Math 220
EDU Math 103, 117, 119, 124, 181, or 234; Math 115 before Math 220
ENG Math 115
70 - 100 ACES, AHS, AVI, BUS, DGS, EDU, FAA, LAS, MEDIA Math 220 if less than a year of calculus in high school; Math 221 if a year of calculus in high school; Math 234; or any 100-level math course
ENG Math 220 if less than a year of calculus in high school; Math 221 if a year of calculus in high school.